Calcitic Lime Application For A Healthier, Greener Garden

calcitic lime application for a healthier, greener garden

Some gardens start off as prime quality, just for the planter to find that things do not always happen the way they had imagined they would. Perhaps, this seems to be attributable to the fact also that soil is too alkaline to sustain the life of certain plant species.

The Effects of Acidic Soil on the Development of Plants

This is due simply to an overabundance of metal in the soil at particular intervals, causing it to become acidic. For more information on the cause and effects of acidic soil, click here. Magnesium may sometimes be found in excess in the environment, and when this occurs, it can be poisonous to plants due to its toxicity. An insufficient supply of calcium and magnesium in the soil, for example, may lead the soil to become excessively alkaline, which would have negative repercussions for both plants and humans alike. Iron and aluminum, whenever present in considerable quantities, have the capacity to bind to phosphorus, resulting in the soil being too acidic for plant development to occur.

Furthermore, if indeed the soil is very acidic, it is critical to consider the poor development of microbes that may arise as a consequence of the soil’s acidity level. Bacteria increase the alkalinity of soil; thus, if there aren’t enough helpful bacteria present throughout your soil, it won’t be productive enough to support any type of living thing, as a consequence of the way that microbes cause the earth to become considerably more alkaline.

What is the origin of acidic soil?

Various factors, ranging from the pH of the topsoil to the kind of mulch utilized, might be responsible for the problem. When it comes to acidic soil, it’s similar to when it comes to the human body: mineral shortages may occur, and if these deficiencies are not corrected, the plants will suffer as a consequence. As a consequence, if your topsoil is really acidic, you’ll need to make some changes.

How to Reduce Soil Acidity

The most common way of increasing the pH of the soil is to incorporate calcitic lime into the soil. In its natural state, limestone (which is composed of ca and mg carbonate or calcium carbonate) has the potential to moderate the acidity of the soil in which it is found to be present. There are two words that are often used to describe both forms of limestone: dolomitic lime and calcitic limestone.

The first step is to do soil testing to evaluate how acidic the soil is. This is the very first stage of the procedure. Your soil’s pH level should be around 7.0, which would be considered neutral by most experts. After receiving the results of your soil sample, you will indeed be able to identify what type of crushed rock should be used to neutralize the acidity of the soil in your garden or farm.

Liming a vegetable garden seems to be as necessary as weeding it in order to keep it healthy. This is due to the fact that soil with just a pH of 5.5 or even below is classified as acidic. These are the types of soils that may benefit from the addition of garden lime. As the pH level of the soil increases as a result of the addition of lime, plant roots seem to be better able to digest soil nutrients.

Adding limestone to soil with something like a pH of 6.5 or above, on the other hand, is not recommended. Increasing the pH of the soil any more by adding lime will make it much more difficult for vegetation to get essential nutrients. Typically, plants growing in acidic soil will be stunted, exhibit yellow leaves, and produce no fruit, according to the USDA.

calcitic lime application for a healthier, greener garden

Check the pH of your soil

Receiving a soil test ( result that indicates the pH of your soil is the most effective method of determining how much lime to put in your garden and how much will benefit from the addition of lime. Most state-owned commercial extension offices provide extensive soil testing services at a reasonable cost, in most cases. Make sure to follow their instructions for collecting soil samples in order to receive the best results. In addition to a pH meter, a thorough soil test will provide you with suggestions for the quantity of lime to use as well as additional amendments and minerals that you may even want to consider applying around the same time.

How Much Lime Do I Need to Put in?

You should be able to determine your soil type and, depending on the findings, how much lime (if any) you should add to your soil. It is necessary to add dolomitic lime to the soil if the pH of the soil is discovered to be acidic and the magnesium levels are low. Add garden lime if the magnesium levels are within an acceptable range, otherwise don’t use it. Because the quantity of lime suggested is often represented as a total amount of lime per 1,000 sq ft, you should measure the area that you wish to cover before going out and purchasing any lime.